Meet Tyrone Raino


Tyrone’s reason for going back to school: His Family

Before Tyrone found out he was going to be a father, college was not something he had on his mind. “The temp agency I worked for wasn’t going to be enough for me and my new-born daughter, babies grow up fast these days so I decided to go back to school to plan for our future.” TyroneTyrone has already experienced how going to college can open up new opportunities for him, even if he hasn’t graduated yet.

“Studying small business management can open a lot of doors, I want to accomplish what I set out for myself instead of having to spend the rest of my life being dependent on someone else.” Once Tyrone graduates, he wants to open up his own business so he can be in total control over his and his daughter’s future. “Wanting my daughter to have a good life motivates me a lot.”

What’s your reason for going back to school? Call 844-NAU4YOU to turn your reason into reality!


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