5 Reasons to Choose NAU


Why choose NAU? Here are 5 reasons to choose National American University!

  1. Flexibility: You have obligations and commitments that complicate plans of going to school.  That’s why we offer many degree programs 100% online.
  2. Transfer Credit: NAU accepts transfer credits, which could allow you to earn a degree in less time and with less cost.  Find out what credits can transfer before getting started.
  3. Tuition Advantage: NAU introduces the NAU Tuition Advantage, which allows certain undergraduate students to reduce their tuition costs.
  4. 365体育官网: National American University is accredited by the Higher Learning Commission, 230 South LaSalle Street, Suite 7-500, Chicago, IL 60604, www.hlcommission.org, 800-621-7440
  5. History: We have been providing quality higher education for 75 years!


Online programs for maximum flexibility
NAU students receiving transfer or experiential learning credit
Relevant degree and certificate programs
Years of online educational excellence